Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ThAnK-yOOOu!! 🎉 And, a fundraiser?

Last week, we were at 58% of our goal. It was unbelievable, especially since we had made a jump from 34% the week before. Well folks, you've done it again... YOU DID IT!! 42% was reached in one week & WE'VE REACHED OUR GOAL!!! Can you even believe it?! YOU raised $65,000 in just over a month!

And, what makes this even more amazing, is that the age no big companies are involved in any of this! It is literally YOU, out of the generosity of your own hearts and allowing yourselves to be led by the Lord!

I am very fortunate to have amazing friends & family who have offered to contribute even more, if needed. My response has been.... & remains... Please give or not give, based on how the Lord is leading you. I definitely don't want to interfere with that at all!

So, this brings us back around to the title of this... A fundraiser?! If I were you, I would be wondering why in the world a fundraiser is  even being thought about at this point. I feel that it's only fair that only right that I explain.

Probably much like you, we never thought the funds would come in so quickly. We started planning for this from the beginning.

- So, why didn't we just cancel it?

We thought about it. However, there are still people who are wanting to also help & contribute through this fundraiser. Additionally, the will be other medical expenses, that were not included in the goal. Anything that would also be able to help with that, would be completely AmAAA-zing! 😀

More information about the fundraiser will be coming soon. It will be kicking off with a 5K Fun Run/Walk at 9a.m. on Saturday, October 26th at Potomac Heights Baptist Church (37 Glymount Rd., Indian Head,  MD). There is no set cost. Donations happily accepted. 🏃‍♂️

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